Furry Paws Discord


Posting requirements.You need to be at least 3 days old to post a submission or comment.You need at least 20 karma before you can post a submission. You can still comment on the sub to get that 20 karma!If you’re a content creator. And found your work posted here without your permission, please, so we can help you remove it. Reddit is a public forum; the moderation team can’t keep an eye on every piece of artwork posted to ensure they have gotten proper permission from the artists to be rehosted and modified. We rely on user reports and feedback from artists to enforce this.If you want to do a promotion in the subreddit.

Please, so we can discuss the best way to do it per the Reddit sitewide and subreddit rules. Please note that the Reddit sitewide still apply.General Rules No personal attacks.

Name-calling, ad-hominem, demeaning, inflammatory, or other uncivil comments directed at other users are not allowed. Users who break this rule may have their comment(s) removed with a warning or ban.No extreme content. is a public forum with a wide variety of users with different tastes. We kindly ask our users to refrain from submitting or linking extreme or questionable content. For more information on which kinds of content are considered extreme, please consult the.No hate speech.

It will take every skill at his commandbut there are few as shrewd and savvy as Alex Hawke. Ted Bell's first ever e-Book exclusive short story finds Counterspy Alex Hawke in hostile foreign waters, flying at nearly the speed of sound, at an altitude no sane man would dare, piloting an F-16 Viper on a highly covert mission.His task is simple: enter another nation's airspace undetected, meet a secret contact, and find a way to avert a global war. Crash dive best scenes. It will take every skill at his command—but there are few as shrewd and savvy as Alex Hawke. When his plane is discovered by enemy radar, he isTed Bell's first ever e-Book exclusive short story finds Counterspy Alex Hawke in hostile foreign waters, flying at nearly the speed of sound, at an altitude no sane man would dare, piloting an F-16 Viper on a highly covert mission.His task is simple: enter another nation's airspace undetected, meet a secret contact, and find a way to avert a global war.

Generally depicted as two, staggered, dark-colored paw prints, each showing four toes and a pad. Diffenderfer plumbing chambersburg pa. Commonly used for various content concerning pet cats.

Posts and comments using words or phrases that may be harmful are subject to removal, including but not limited to racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic or transphobic slurs. Malicious use of hate speech is grounds for a ban without warning. Please also do not mention specific hate subreddits in comments or in the content of posts. Posts and comments containing hate subreddit names will be removed.No politics. Do not post submissions or make comments that deal with overtly political topics, feature politicians or other related people, or push for a particular political agenda.

furryirl is a meme subreddit; political content is inappropriate, and out of the scope of the topics we cover here.Give source. Our users are strongly encouraged to provide a source for artwork and intellectual property used in their submissions. The moderation team reserves the right to remove submissions and comments to content that is misappropriated or rehosted without the consent of the original artist.Submission Rules All posts must be titled “furryirl”. Titles can contain any single one, real, SFW word, of at most 14 characters, followed by one non-alphanumeric character (multi-character emojis are supported), followed by the letters 'irl'. Posts must stand on their own without the title to explain them. If your post doesn't make sense if it is named 'furryirl' it will be removed.

If in doubt or it gets auto removed, title your post 'furryirl'.All posts must relate to furries or furry culture. All content must relate to furries or furry culture. Furry memes are posts that are relatable to furries or relate to furry culture in some way.

Comments Earned: 309
Comments Made: 219
Journals: 14

Recent Journal

Happy (Belated) Tickle Day To All!!

5 years ago
Can't get enough furry tickling? Check out helioseusebio 's Furry Tickling Tumblr at: http://huntedproject.tumblr.com/ (contains NSFW material!)
So yeah, only a week late, right? This is what happens when I ( rylanazion) try to be on time.. ^^'
But anyway, siberio is trying to make this happen and I think it's a neat idea! Why not? Paw Day has been a big success so far so let's make every March 1 be Tickle Day! Celebrate by commissioning your fave artists, or draw a round of sketches for yourself if you like. This could really work!
Now I've got to go, helioseusebio tells me there's some kind of punishment for lateness. Wonder what it could be..
Roleplayers welcome! Group and FA members 18 and older feel free to check out the RP info journal HERE for a laughing good time :)



uncontrolled laughter

Who's More Ticklish?


'Noooo! Eeeeheehehee!!'
3 months ago
Tickling YCH with a taur: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34639441/
7 months ago
Ops x) Try again!
Link on price-list, ToS: http://www.furaffinity.net/commissi...alexahasegawa/
7 months ago
Hi! I'm fetish artist and I open for commissions - any kind, any kink! ;3)
I will make a discount 20% on new fetish-arts if I never drew that fetish!
Link on list of fetishes: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/32188939/
Link on price-list, ToS: http://
9 months ago
Hi everyone :) id love to have my fursona in foot/tickle pics
10 months ago
My friend Cougar cougarrus has a discord group dedicated to furry tickling and paws!!
Come on over and join up!
It's called Furry Tickling 18+
Invite link: https://discord.gg/xMe2WKS
I'll also be approaching some of my furry tickling friends w
a year ago
a year ago
Looking for RP partner. The info on the profire.
a year ago
a year ago
a year ago
a year ago
Hi hi!! Often I draw tickle furry, I hope you like it.
a year ago