Hanger Project


I also want to announce that you'll be seeing a lot more of Kirby's company in the next year. He's our newest premium sponsor! And FYI the Hanger Project is a lot more than just hangers – Kirby and his team have curated some really cool products to include. We offer the higest quality of luxury products at Kirby Allison's Hanger Project. Come check out our selection of Accessories today!

Supplies:.Hanger.Yarn.Crochet Hook.Yarn NeedleI particularly like this version of a yarn wrapped hanger. It's pretty simple to get started. Follow along with the numbers in the pictures. This is basic crochet, but you treat the hanger like you would the stitches from the previous row. Directions:.Put a slip knot on the hook - as you normally would.Leaving the yarn on top of the hanger, reach the hook under the hanger and pull the yarn.You now have the original slip knot on the hook and the yarn you just pulled from under the hanger.Yarn over - you now have three looks pon the hook.Pull the 3rd loop through the first two - this leaves you with one loop on the hook and a completed single crochet stitch.Just keep doing this. You can choose to do one color, or switch back and forth like I did.

If you want to do this, just start the new color as you would normally in crochet. Meaning instead of pulling the same color through for step 1 grap the new color and hold the old color against the hanger and treat it like the hanger.

This keeps both colors going so you can easily change from one color to the next without cutting and starting over and over again.Eventually you will make it back to where you started. You can choose to end here or keep going. Once I reached the top of the hanger, I decided to do two single crochet stitches of each color and switch off. I chose to go to the top of where the two wires twist together. Once I got to the top I cut the yarn and used the yarn needle to hide the ends. Once they are all tucked in, cut off the excess.

If you choose to go until you reach the end of the hook of the hanger, you may have to glue it so it doesn't slip off the end. Supplies:.Hanger.Yarn.Fabric Glue (optional)This is the tighter version. This is pretty easy to do and after finally finishing it, I think I got down the best way to do it. Directions:.You are going to start in the same spot as before. Tie the yarn to one of the sides. You are going to start on the opposite side you tie too.

This helps, because when you go to wrap, your knot is going to want to slip around it.Now just start wrapping on the other side. I wrapped around the tail I started with because it is going to be too hard to hide later.If you are choosing to change colors, just knot the new color around the old color when you are ready to switch colors - it might be a little hard to start the new color, but you can do it! Wrap around the tail of the color you just started so you don't have to hide this one later.Go at it. I created a nifty little gif below of the technique I used to wrap. By loosely holding the ball of yarn (these bonbons are very nice for this) hold it in your hand and the hanger and wrap around.

I would usually do this for 5 - 10 wraps and then tighten those, and then do it all over again.Tips:.If you use that technique in the gif, you are going to have spaced out loops like in Picture 4. When this happens hold both yarns tight (Picture 5) and using your other hand, pull those loops next to each other.

Make sure you are holding down the other color tightly or it will bunch up under the color you are currently wrapping. Changing Color the Easy Way: Photos 7 - 11 show you the best way to switch between colors. As in those pictures you have just finished with the dark blue and want to start with the light blue (Photo 7). (Right handed) With the new color in the left hand and the old in the right, and while holding them tight, twist them around one another one time so they are in the opposite hand (Photo 8). Now with them twisted, take the old color and hold it down on the wire hanger, you are going to treat it like the hanger and wrap the new color around it (Photo 9).

Now just wrap around the hanger and the old hanger (10 and 11).Photo 14 - If you want to use the technique I did in the gif, you need to make sure your little bonbon is wrapped tight without any loose loops. If there are loose loops, like the dark blue one in the picture, those loop fibers will get wrapped up when you are wrapping on the hanger. Take my word for it, it's a pain. Ending (Photos 12 and 13) - You can, again, go as far as you want with this technique. I chose to go just above where the beginning and the end meets. To end it, I took my finishing color and did a simple one stranded knot around the center part of the hanger. Since you have been wrapping around the other color, (the light blue in my picture) it is safely tucked away and you can just cut the excess off.

Pummel party steam. Pummel Party - Pummel Party is a 4-8 player online and local-multiplayer party game. Pummel friends or AI using a wide array of absurd items in the board mode and compete to destroy friendships in the entertaining collection of minigames.ONLINE AND LOCAL MULTIPLAYERPlay how you want. Pummel Party is a 4-8 player online and local-multiplayer party game. Pummel friends or AI using a wide array of absurd items in the board.

This version is really tight so it is difficult to hide the ends with a yarn needle. If you can, do it. I couldn't, so I used the fiber glue and just put a bit at the end.

Once it's dry, cut the excess and you're done.

Many people craft with wire hangers because they already have extras on hand. However, if you don't, there are a few easy ways to acquire them. Ask family and friends. Many people have lots of wire hangers that aren't being used and are happy to share a few (or a lot) with you. Check eBay.

The best resource that I've found online for purchasing wire hangers in eBay. Many people sell used, bulk batches for competitive prices. You may find some on Craigslist and/or Freecycle as well.

Scout garage sales, particularly when people are moving. Before we moved to Milwaukee, I donated over 50 wire hangers that we weren't using (and then inherited about 100 in our house here). If people are having a sale before they move, especially to a far destination, they are likely to be clearing out as much as possible. This is great for wall mounted storage or on top of a shelf. Use this for a living room, den, playroom, or bedroom. This is a great idea for a classroom or library, too.

Instead of throwing all of your flip flops in a bin, create a little hanging storage piece for each pair. If you have ample hanging bars but limited floor space, this can be a great option. There are no instructions with this post, but the concept is pretty self-explanatory. If you live in an older home, it is likely that you have at least one bathroom without a modern toilet paper dispenser. Rig up one of these, and you'll be all set.

Decorations don't provide functionality to hangers, but they do make them more aesthetically pleasing. Fabric will also add padding, which can be a plus for a lot of people. Decorated hangers are a perfect gift idea for housewarming parties and weddings. Child size plastic decorated hangers are a fun gift for baby showers. Many of you know how much I love beads.

I can't believe that I'd never thought of this before. If you don't have beads on hand, look for cheap bulk packs at Michaels, Jo-Ann, or Hobby Lobby.

Don't invest a lot of money in high quality beads that you have to purchase individually. This is an excellent project to use up small scraps of fabric from larger projects. This project does require some sewing, but it is pretty straight forward.

Mandi from Making Nice in the Midwest also recommends using. Second hand or bargain priced bandanas are another great option. This post has great step by step instructions for wrapping hangers with strips of fabric including an option for adding a gift tag with a whimsical message. Just about any type of fabric will work for this as long as it isn't too slippery or rough. There is a new trend to make hangers with names or initials across the hanger base. There are many places to buy these hangers, such as Etsy, but you can also take up the challenge and make one yourself. This is the most detailed tutorial that I found for this concept.

When you don't have a wreath form on hand and want to put something together without making a tripc to the store, grab a wire hanger. It will make a great base for a wide variety of wreaths. This has to be one of the simplest Christmas ornament projects ever.

Pick up a batch of ornaments after Christmas this year so you can put this together for the next holiday. If you customize the colors, you can use this concept for additional holidays, too.

Includes directions for a large bow that will hide the hanger part of the wreath. I have seen this concept for more sophisticated wreath forms, but there is no reason why a simple wire form won't work well, too.

If you don't have enough scraps in coordinating colors, team up with some of your sewing friends and have a wreath making party where you can share fabric. One of the neat aspects of using a wire base is that you can make it into a variety of shapes. Many people opt for a heart.

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Hanger Project

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