Soul Knight Weapons
As smart as a whip is one of the most popular similes used to describe cleverness. As smart as a fox is another simile often used to describe cleverness. Smart As offers daily challenges which include Logic, Arithmetic, Language and Observation based exercises to work all of the major lobes of the brain. Equipped with a robust set of social features that foster friendly competition, Smart As allows players to track and compare their stats with their friends' to see whose cerebral strength reigns supreme. Smart as game. Definition of smart smart - adj. Capable of independent and apparently intelligent action; showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness; quick and brisk; painfully severe; improperly forward or bold; elegant and stylish; characterized by quickness and ease in learning; noun a kind of pain such as that caused by a wound or a burn. Smart as a whip definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Think you’re as smart as your dad? Your best mate? Or even everyone in the country? Well, prove it with the social brain training game that divides the clued-up from the clueless — specifically designed to showcase the fully-immersive features of PS Vita system for today’s “always on” mobile gamer.
Staff of thunder/ illusion, Soul Calibur, and the hand grenade are some of my favs. Snow ape bow, grand knight's sword/ staff of wizard or floating gun/laser if you wanna go big. For ones that wanna go cheaper, all kinds of laser swords, prototype/splash/bounce railgun, and sidewinder red are definitely the best choices.
There’s a total of 120 weapons in this awesome game!