The Sims 2 Open For Business
. Summary: The world is your entrepreneurial oyster in this all-new The Sims 2 expansion pack, allowing you to experience the victories and challenges associated with creating, owning and running your own business.
From the layout and merchandise, to the employees and materials, you choose what your The world is your entrepreneurial oyster in this all-new The Sims 2 expansion pack, allowing you to experience the victories and challenges associated with creating, owning and running your own business. From the layout and merchandise, to the employees and materials, you choose what your Sim needs to create a profitable and fun business. In The Sims 2 Open for Business, your Sims will learn what it takes to build a clientele and keep loyal customers happy while improving employee morale and managing a lucrative business.
Reloaded No CD The Sims 2: Open For Business v1.0 ENG.
Players can even help their Sims to create and craft new items to sell and meet customer demands. As each customer is different, you’ll be able to apply sales techniques to woo even the most discriminating shopper. Dress your employees in wacky outfits to entertain cranky customers or drop the price for an unsure browser. From training, promoting, hiring and firing, you’re ultimately the boss who calls all the shots! Electronic Arts Expand.
. familyFunds family amountAllows you to either directly specify the exact amount of money you want the specified household to have, or specify an integer value to add or subtract the desired number of funds. For example, familyFunds Doe 500 would change the Doe family's household funds to §500.
FamilyFunds Doe +500 would give them §500, and familyFunds Doe -500 will remove §500. terrainType Desert/Temperate/Dirt/ConcreteChanges the neighborhood terrain type. Changes are only visible after exiting the neighborhood and reentering it. changeNeighborhoodType primary/university/downtown/suburbChanges the type of the neighborhood or subhood. The game must be booted in — add the line ' boolProp testingcheatsenabled true' to a file.Build Cheats. boolProp allow45DegreeAngleOfRotation true/falseAllows objects to be placed at a 45 degree angle by pressing the keys; clicking and dragging to rotate will only rotate in the normal 90 degree increments.Some objects may not work correctly when placed diagonally.Sims can walk through certain objects that are placed at a 45 degree angle, such as multi-grid objects. roofSlopeAngle 15-75Adjusts the angles of all roofs on the lot, measured in degrees.
Acceptable values are 15 to 75. boolProp dormSpecificToolsDisabled true/falseSetting this to false enables build/buy mode tools that would normally be disabled when in a dorm lot. It also works for, although any changes made to the lot will not be saved.
setHighestAllowedLevel numberSets the amount of floors allowed. Do not build any higher than 16 floors, or the game will crash.This cheat works sporadically in later expansions, and does not work in the base game. To build higher, the 'Dormer Trick' can be used to build one more level up; simply build to the highest level possible without cheats, build a dormer, and then build a wall on the new level. The dormer can be safely removed after this.Gameplay Cheats. addneighbortoFamilycheat on/offEnables an interaction on non-controllable Sims to add them to the current household. forceTwinsForces a single-birth pregnancy into a pregnancy.
The pregnant Sim must be selected before entering this cheat. setHour 0 - 23Sets the hour of the day in 24-hour time. For example, setHour 13 will change the game's clock to 1PM, while setHour 1 changes the clock to 1AM. unlockCareerRewardsUnlocks all for the currently selected Sim. maxMotivesMaximizes the of all Sims. Will not affect 's Power motive or motives. Not useful for owners (Who wants customers that aren't hungry?).
motiveDecay on/offEnables or disables motive decay for all Sims on the lot. If motive decay is off, the needs of Sims will not decrease. lockAspiration on/offEnables or disables decay/gain for the aspiration bar. aspirationPoints amountGives the selected Sim the specified amount of aspiration points, so they can buy.
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Won't affect the aspiration bar. aspirationLevel 0-5Affects the Sim's aspiration level, displayed in the aspiration bar. 0 drops them into failure, 5 gives them platinum.
Will not affect aspiration reward points. ageSimsCheat on/offEnables a 'Set Age' option that appears when clicking on a Sim, which allows you to easily change their age. It will also appear on all objects, although it will not work.Storytelling Cheats. plumbbobToggle on/offToggles the display of the, good for moviemaking/picture taking.
Will not work in a file. showHeadlines on/offIf set to off, will remove thought and speech bubbles, as well as relationship change graphics. Will not work in a file.Miscellaneous Cheats. setLotLightingFile filenameUsed to create a new lighting file with specific lot lighting values. Only intended for experienced users.
And Debug-related Objects.