Tomb Raider 3 Aldwych
Alonzorion Blindly Plays Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft! Alonzorion's Blind Let's Plays! 69 videos; 159,365 views; Last updated on Nov 4, 2018. Let's Blindly Play Tomb Raider III! - Part 21 of 68 - Aldwych by Alonzorion's Blind Let's Plays! Let's Blindly Play Tomb Raider III! - Part 22 of 68 - Lud's Gate. Detailed walkthrough for the Tomb Raider 3 video game for Windows PC, Macintosh, PlayStation, PSP and Vita. Aldwych - From the Ticket Room to the Masonic Temple - Secret #2 This time, exit through either of the doorways near the ticket window.
Objective: Enter the abandoned tube station to find the first the secret Masonic Temple and then the hideout of the Brotherhood of the Damned.
Secrets: 5
Items: An Old Penny, Ticket, Masonic Mallet, Ornate Star, Maintenance Key and 2 Solomon Keys
The Fall
As you fall grab onto the first slanted ledge. Drop straight down. Lara will bump into another ledge pushing her forwards a little. Grab onto the edge of the passageway and pull up for some Shotgun Shells. Drop into the water below. Get out of the water and head towards the stairs. This is the entrance to Aldwych Station.
Aldwych Station
Run up the stairs all the way to the top. Just before the top you’ll notice a square vent to your right. Shoot open the vent with your pistol and drop inside for a Power-Up Crystal. Climb up the grating to the top and then a second grating to a room with red metal girders. Run around to the right for some Flares and Shotgun Shells. On the other side of the room you’ll find Uzi Clips but take out the Gang Member first as he’ll attack once he spots you.
Return to the opening and just in front on the left is a block with metal coils. Pull it out once and then drop down the hole on the other side into the ticket room. You’ll land on a ticket machine. Shoot the Thug who drops a Small Medipak and then drop down to the floor.
Climb onto the ticket machine nearest to the office. Jump up and grab onto the block with metal coils that you pulled out earlier and climb up the grate to the top. Turn to the left and hop backwards, grabbing onto the edge. Drop down into another tunnel.
Go to the end of the tunnel and safety drop, or climb down, the hole to the right. You’ll drop into the ticket office. Grab the Maintenance Key and a Large Medipak then press the Button to open the door so you can get out.
Leave the office and go down the escalators at the far left side of the ticket room.
From the bottom of the right escalator take a running jump across the gap to the other side. You might want to save your game here just in case you miss the jump. Run around the corner and turn right. Take out the Thug and the Dog and run towards the locked door. Use the Maintenance Key on the lock to open the door and go inside the green-walled room.
Pick up the Small Medipak and Uzi Clips. You can push the Button here to turn on the lights but it doesn’t make much difference. Leave the room and run to the other end of the platform where you’ll find an Old Penny.
Head back the way you came to the escalators. You won’t be able to jump back across so drop down to the train tracks below. When facing the escalators you want to run along the tracks to the left. Before you get too far a train will approach. Duck into a passage on the right before Lara gets squashed.
Run up the passage, taking out 2 Thugs along the way, into a room with red crates. On the floor on one side you’ll find a Small Medipak. Climb up the stepped-crates and then run over to the right. Behind the crate in the corner is a Power-Up Crystal. When you climb back out a Dog will be released into the room.
Turn to the left and take a running jump to the crate on the other side of the room and another running jump to the crate in the far corner. See pic below.
Turn around to face the center of the room and take a standing jump from the corner of the crate to grab onto the ledge just in front and above you. Pull up to find the Uzis. Do a safety drop back down to the floor.
Make your way back up to the crate that’s facing the corner crate where you jumped up to grab the Uzis. This time do a side flip to land on the sloped block and then a forwards jump to grab onto the grating.
Climb up until Lara’s hands are level with the second bar from the top. Do a backflip to land on the platform behind you. Turn around and take out the Thug that attacks from behind you. Climb up to the block he came from and take the Small Medipak that he dropped.
Turn around to facing the grating you climbed up and jump up to grab the grating on the roof. Follow the grating around to the right and drop down.
Walk down the ramp on the left and then climb onto the block on the right. Turn around and take a standing jump to grab the crate on the other side of the platform. Pull up for a Rocket. Hop down and climb back up the block again to the room with the big drill.
Now you’ll need to perform a tricky manoeuvre to find the first secret. Once you enter this room the drill will start moving downwards so you need to go quick.
Slide backwards, grab onto the edge and drop down onto the breakable tile. Side flip to the left, slide down and forward jump to grab the crevice on the other side. Shimmy across to the right and drop down onto another breakable tile. As you land roll to face the other direction. You’ll drop onto a sloped block. Jump forwards to land on another sloped block. This time grab onto the edge as you slide down. Let go and grab the crevice a little lower. Do this three times until you come to the ledge with the Power-Up Crystal. This is Secret #1. You’ll also find some MP5 Clips just to the right of the crystal. Safety drop down to the bottom of the drill shaft.
Pick up the Large Medipak at the base of the ramp. Climb up the ramp to the first landing. Instead of continuing up the ramp climb up the block on the left.
Turn around 180 degrees and take a standing jump to pull up into a room above with grey tiles. Turn to the right and pull up into the room above with the small pool. Jump over the gap in the floor and run behind the grated wall for a Power-Up Crystal. Jump back across and climb up the grated wall to the top. Dodge the flames and climb up the small block and then the brick wall.
Pick up the Small Medipak and then climb onto the sloped platform to the left. Walk to the left and take a standing jump diagonally across to the grated wall. This time climb up until Lara’s feet are in line with the first steel bar and do a backflip.
Press the Button in the alcove to open a trapdoor in the crate room. This will also turn on a flamer at the top of the grated wall. Jump back across to the grated wall. Climb to the top and pick up the Uzi Clips at the top. Stay crouched to avoid the flamer and drop down on the other side.
Follow the path along, climbing up the blocks along the way. Enter the room with the red metal girders on the roof and walk all the way along to the left side. Take out the Rat and pick up the Large Medipak in the corner. Drop down the hole in the grating to the train station area below.
Drop down to the railway tracks and run to the room with the crates. Do the jumps across the crates to reach the grating as you did before. Climb up the grating, backflip and then jump up to grab the grating on the roof so you can make your way back to the drill shaft.
This time you’ll be able to walk across the top of the drill. Climb up the block on the other side and pick up the First Solomon’s Key. Follow the passage around the corner, climb up and continue up the passage. At the top do a safety drop to back to the room below. Drop down the hole in the grating to the train station area again.
One more time drop down to the train tracks and run to the crate room. Climb up the crates and jump up to the grating as before. Backflip to the ledge behind you and climb up the trapdoor opening in the corner to the left.
One more time drop down to the train tracks and run to the crate room. Climb up the crates and jump up to the grating as before. Backflip to the ledge behind you and climb up the trapdoor opening in the corner to the left. If you look to the left you’ll see a Thug and a Dog. Grab the Shotgun Shells from a ledge above the trapdoor and then run around and take them both out.
Head into the room to the left of the steps leading up and grab the MP5 Clips before falling down the breakaway tile. Pull out the coiled metal block and then climb up over it and drop down the other side.
Follow the passage around and then crawl through the crawlway. Pull up on the right side and follow the brick-walled passage around to the junction. You’ll notice 2 Buttons on the wall to the right. These buttons control 3 timed doors in the next room.
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Right Door: Press the Right Button and run up the ramp to the left. Use the Sprint button and dodge the small pool up the top. You have about 15 seconds to make it into the farthest room. Press the Button to open a trapdoor in the middle room. Follow the path around, picking up the Flares along the way, back to the 2 Buttons.
Middle Door: Press the Right Button again which opens both the middle and the right door. Run up the path and this time go through the middle door. Climb up through the trapdoor to the left that you opened by pressing the button in the right room. Press the Button to close a grate just ahead so that you can walk across. You need to close this grate so you can monkey swing across from below in the left room. Continue along the passage and safety drop down to the 2 Buttons.
Left Door: Press the Left Button and sprint up the path to the room on the left. Climb up the block on the left and then jump up to grab the grating on the roof. Monkey swing across, drop down and grab onto the ledge. Pull up and pick up the Shotgun Shells, Power-Up Crystal and Second Solomon’s Key.
Dive into the pool and follow the tunnel around to a passageway that leads to the ticket room. Kill the Thug and go to the second ticket machine from the office.
Use the Old Penny to buy a Ticket. You’ll have to pick it up off the ground. Take the exit to the right of the office and go down one of the elevators.
Run across the dirt. You’ll be attacked by a Thug from the left. Shoot out the vent and jump through for Secret #2 and some Shotgun Shells. Jump up and climb back through the vent. Head towards the train tracks and kill the 2 Rats on the tracks.
Hop down onto the train tracks and follow them to the right. Kill a Thug who comes out of the first door on the right and then enter through the second door. Push the Button to open the two doors to the left and right of this room. Head into the first door that the Thug came out of and pick up the Power-Up Crystal. Then go through the last door that leads to the Masonic Temple.
Masonic Temple
Swim over the pool and press the Button on the other side to open the entrance to the temple. Take the first right and press the Button around the corner to the right. Turn around go left and then right. At the end of the hallway press the Button on the wall just to the left. Turn around. This opens the two doors (now on the right) just in front of the entrance. Gun shoot war zombies. Go inside, pick up the Small Medipak in the alcove and look at the wall with the two buttons.
Press the Button on the left and then turn around. Walk straight to the end and then turn right. Press the Button. This should turn the button from green back to red. Turn around and go through the door you just opened. Follow the path around to the right, left and then right to find a Small Medipak.
Turn around walk forwards, turn right and right again to find some MP5 Clips. Turn around and turn right at the intersection. Follow the path around to the inner section of the Masonic Temple. When you explore this area watch out for some breakable tiles with spikes underneath. Your goal is to find the receptacles where you can place the 2 Solomon’s Keys. In the center of the room is a Power-Up Crystal and Uzi Clips.
Place the 2 Solomon Keys in the locks to open 3 doors. One at the back of the temple, one towards the front of the temple and another one in an underwater passage. Run towards the back of the temple and go through the door and over the breakable tile to find the Masonic Mallet. Turn around, jump over the gap and kill the Dog that attacks from the left.
When facing away from where you picked up the mallet run to the right and go through the curtain. Don’t stay too long on the breakaway tile or just jump over it. Inside you’ll find the Ornate Star and MP5 Clips.
Run to the opposite side of the room and through a door that also opened when you used the Solomon’s Keys. Pick up the Small Medipak and Flares. Drop into the water and swim through the tunnel, go through a door you opened at the end and pull up to take a breath.
Pull up, and climb up the block on the left. Turn around and take a running jump to grab onto the crevice on the other side of the pool. Crawl inside and drop down over the railing on the right. Turn around, climb up the block and look diagonally across to the right. Take a standing jump to grab onto the grating on the roof. Continue forwards and drop down to grab onto the edge of the tunnel. Crawl through to the other side, kill the 2 Rats and use the Ticket to enter the train station.
Back to the Train Station
Enter and kill the Thug who attacks from the left. He’ll drop a Small Medipak. Jump over the turnstiles or run around them and then use the Ornate Star to open the door on the right. Kill the Thug and enter the office for Secret #3.
Go to the wall opposite the door and pull up. Follow the passage to the right and crawl through the crawlspace. Drop down the other side and drop down again to find the Power-Up Crystal. Exit through the door and drop down to the left to the pool you were at before.
Once more climb up the blocks and jump across to grab the crevice. Crawl around to the right, drop down and climb up the block. Use the grating on the roof to monkey swing over to the small passage and go through back to the ticket turnstile.
This time when you enter the train station take the elevator down on the right. Use the Masonic Mallet to break open the door and go through. Run around to the left and push the Button which will open a trapdoor in a train car. Turn around and pull up into a small crawlspace with a Rocket. This is Secret #4.
Leave the room with the button and drop down to the left. Turn to the left and walk forwards. As you step on the tile with the lighter texture the door on the right will open and a Thug will come out. He’ll drop a Small Medipak. Ignore the room he came from for now and continue forwards, jumping over the hole in the passage.
Follow it around to the left where a Dog attacks. Continue down the steps to the train car. Take out the Thug on the other end of the platform who also drops a Small Medipak. In an aclove on the left you’ll find a Power-Up Crystal and past the fire, in the mud filled area you can drop down in the far corner for Shotgun Shells and a Large Medipak. Run back to the train car and you can climb on top if you need some more Flares.
Run back up the stairs and drop down the hole at the top that you jumped over the first time. Drop off the block towards the yellow light and crawl through the passageway. You’ll be able to pull up through the trapdoor into the train car. Push the Button and the train car will move off to another location and the trapdoor to the left of you will open. Drop down it and crawl through another passage.
Stand up and turn to the left. You’ll notice two alcoves and a passage to the right. Run into the first alcove and pick up the Small Medipak but don’t run forwards down the hole as this is the level exit.
Run out and take out the 2 Thugs who appear from the third passage to the right. Follow it around to the right and enter the doorway to the right just before the gap to pick up the Rocket. Turn right and push both of the 2 Buttons. The first button opens a door in the room with the roller doors and the second opens the trapdoor leading back into the train car.
Detour for 5th Secret
Retrace your steps back to where you killed the 2 Thugs and run back around the corner to the right where you can jump up through the trapdoor back into the train car.
Push the train car Button and drop down the trapdoor to the left. Run around the corner and walk to the left. The roof will slope down so you’ll need to crawl through to the other side. Climb up onto the grey block, turn right and jump up into the passage above.
Run forwards to the light grey block and run through the door to the left. Go over the bridge and follow the brown path down to the bottom. Run to the right and drop down to the train tracks below. Turn around and run along the tracks to the entrance to the crate room on the right.
Climb up the crates and jump up to the grating. Flip backwards to the ledge and climb up the trapdoor in the corner. This time enter the door on the right for Secret #5. It’s dark in the corner so throw a flare and kill the Thug who drops a Large Medipak. Pick up the MP5 Clips, Desert Eagle Clips and the Rocket or Rocket Launcher if you don’t have it already.
Push the Button which reopens the trapdoor in the train car and run out of the room. Drop down the trapdoor to the left back to the crate room.
Now it’s just a matter of getting back to the level exit. Monkey swing across the grated roof and go back to the drill shaft. Climb up the block on the other side and follow the path around until you drop down. Safety drop down the hole in the grating and follow the passage to the left, over the bridge to the light grey tile.
Take the path to the right and drop down the hole. Drop off the block and crawl under the low roof to pull up into the train car. Push the train car Button and drop down the trapdoor to the left. Crawl through the passage and run down the first passage on the right. Drop down the hole for the level exit.
Next Level: Lud’s Gate
Tomb Raider III sees a number of locations that are set inLondon. One such level is; an abandoned tube station populated withthugs and rodents with whom Lara must fight in order to reach a small MasonicTemple and advance onto the next level. And I recently visitedthe real Aldwych Tube Station, located in the City of Westminster where SurreyStreet meets Strand. Once known as Strand station upon its opening in 1907, itclosed in 1994 due to lack of use.Piccadilly, o RLY?Parts of the station and the running tunnelswere used during both world wars to shelter artworks from London’s publicgalleries and museums from bombing.Since it had a low passenger flow, thestation had long been popular as a filming location even when it was open, andhas appeared as itself and as other London Underground stations in a number offilms (28 Weeks Later (2007), V for Vendetta (2006), Sherlock (2014) and manyothers). In recognition of its historical significance, the station is a.Andy Sandham, the creator of London levels in Tomb RaiderIII was very interested in abandoned tube stations at the time and even thoughAndy’s vision of Aldwych does differ from the actual station, the real Aldwychdoesn’t have escalators and its staircase is actually a spiral for example.Staircase in AldwychThere are places where the level completely copies the actual station. Such places will make any hard-core Tomb Raider fan visiting the station grin with the thought OH WOW I’VE BEEN HERE.Another significant difference is the Masonic Temple in thegame (or maybe there is one somewhere in the real Aldwych? Hidden from publiceyes).
Andy “wanted to try and get in as much ‘London lore’ as possible inthat area” by adding such a temple to the station.Both the level and the actual Aldwych have this earieatmosphere. It featured in an episode of Most Haunted Episode 19:
This train can bedriven up and down the branch for filming.The ancient elevator is not in working order though. Thereare in fact three lift shafts, able to accommodate two elevators each, but onlyone shaft was actually finished and supplied with two elevators. The other tworemained empty.The physical connection with the Piccadilly line northboundtracks remains, but requires manual operation.The level features a secret platform that you can onlyaccess with a flight mode mod, as the train will kill you as you approach to itotherwise. The platform is empty and there’s nothing there really, it lookslike an unfinished bit of the level.
Andy assumes “that must have been a testarea?” He did “spend a lot of time making little extra bits although I presumethis was just a texture test I was doing?”Notably one of the real Aldwych’s walls has been used as atest area for tiles.“The secret of the unused platform in the level isunfortunately lost in the mists of my addled brain!” (Sandham, 2015). See our short video from the station:Additional Media:Andy Sandham Interview andSpecial thanks:Andy Sandham, Jonathon Cooper.