Turok Dinosaur Hunter Cheats
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Support Turok - Dinosaur HunterAlternative name:Jikku Senshi Turok Release date:Feb 28th, 1997 Console:Nintendo 64 (USF) Okami hd stray bead guide. Developer:Iguana Egg buddies game. Publisher:Acclaim
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Cheat codesEnter the following codes in the 'Enter Cheat'screen. Resume game play, then pause.
Enter the cheat menu andset each enabled code as desired. All cheats entered can be savedafter reaching a save point.The Big CheatEnter 'NTHGTHDGDCRTDTRK' as a code. This will enableinvincibility, all weapons, unlimited ammo, infinite lives, fullmap, big head, level skip, and warps (Long Hunter, Mantis, T-Rex,Campaigner).All weaponsEnter 'CMGTSMMGGTS' as a code.Unlimited ammoEnter 'BLLTSRRFRND' as a code.Disco modeEnter 'SNFFRR' as a code. Colors will flash and the animalsand people will dance.GalleryEnter 'THBST' as a code.

Allows enemies to be viewed,scaled, and rotated in 3D.Infinite livesEnter 'FRTHSTHTTRLSCK' as a code.Pen and ink modeEnter 'DLKTDR' as a code. Graphics will be in black andwhite line art, similar to a sketchbook.Robin's cheatEnter 'RBNSMTH' as a code. Enables credits, big heads,all weapons, unlimited ammunition, and invincibility.Greg modeEnter 'GRGCHN' as a code.
Enables all the features ofRobin's cheat except invincibility.Dana's cheatEnter 'DNCHN' as a code. All enemies will be smaller.Display creditsEnter 'FDTHMGS' as a code.Spirit modeEnter 'THSSLKSCL' as a code. Enables invincibility withslow-moving enemies.Show enemiesEnter 'NSTHMNDNT' as a code. Enemies will appear as redarrows on the map.Purdy colorsEnter 'LLTHCLRSFTHRNB' as a code. The game environmentwill appear in rainbow colors after the next cut-scene or usinga teleport-portal.Quack modeEnter 'CLLTHTNMTN' as a code. The graphics and game animationswill be degraded.Fly modeEnter 'LKMBRD' as a code.
Then, press R or Lto move up or down.Secret movesThe following moves are not listed in the game's manual.Side dashQuickly tap 'Strafe Left' or 'Strafe Right' twice,and Turok will do a quick hop and a slide to the left or the right.Air jumpRun or drop off of a ledge. The instant Turok begins to fall,press Jump.
Note: If falling onto water, repeatedly pressJump to skip across the surface of the water.Fully powered arrowsInstead of rapidly firing one arrow after another, alwayscount to two before releasing the trigger button. This way, thearrows will fly straighter and further. Jumping TurokEnable the 'Fly mode' code during game play.Return to the menu and select the 'Restart Game' option.Press R at the screen that features Turok pulling his bowto make him jump. The longer R is held, the higher he willgo. As soon as the button is released, he will fall to the ground.Hold L at this screen to see the bottom of Turok.Force enemies to fightGet a dinosaur and a human, or a two animals that arenot of the same species. Bring them together and run around them.Jump over them a few times and they will begin to fight.Fight two HummersDefeat the Long Hunter, but do not take the key.
Instead,warp to level 1 and intentionally die. Do not press Start,and watch the ending sequence. You should go back to the LongHunter and a Hummer will return. Then, warp back to level 1 andintentionally die again. Do not press Start. Eventually,you will return to the Long Hunter with the first Hummer waitingfor you, then a second one will appear at the same time.
For areal chalange, enable the 'Disco mode' code.Strange endingWarp to Campaigner, get a weapon that will hurt theCampaigner, then enable the 'Fly mode' code. Fly upuntil the screen turns black (about 30 seconds).
You should returnback up in the air with zero life. Then, fly down to the areaand kill him. You will notice that he is acting a little slow.Turbo BossesEnable the 'Disco mode' code for fast Bosses.Better knifeYou can kill things faster with your knife if you cutthem as far back as possible. This works better if done in theback.
It is possible to kill raptors under the normal difficultysetting with three slices.Level 1: Chronosceptor piece, key,and exitTurn right at the checkpoint. Proceed to the end ofthe path, then turn at that opening for the Chronosceptor piece.If you follow the path back to the checkpoint, this may be easier.Go the same way as before, but go straight until you see a doubleopening.
Go through both of them and take the left turn to findthe key. When you leave, turn right and the exit will be locatedthere.