Dragonfable Weapons


If you hit with it, throw it, or use it to multiply spell energy, put it here. All the information for the Swords, Daggers and Staves located here. Do the Hydra Cave Quest via Sir Pent at the bridge connecting Falconreach and Oaklore. Try to get the V (Five in Roman Numerals) weapons. If you aren't DA: Go to the PvP Figther Arena place and get some trophies. Rank up to this specific rank (I'm not sure which) and then get more trophies to buy one of the water weapons.

(.) Note – These are the weapons considered main by the plot. There are other “items of Doom”, as it were, such as the and.2.1 – The Doom Weapons – Why?So now you are probably asking yourself, how expensive are these weapons, really? The cost of purchasing a Doom weapon is 28,000 gold.

You may think that that is a lot of money, but it really isn’t that much. Gold will pile up at your feet while adventuring and playing the game, so there is really nothing to worry about.There are many reasons to buy a Doom weapon. They will always stay in the game, will never go rare, continue getting upgraded and can also be purified and turned into the equally awesome Destiny weapons. These weapons are very powerful, and let’s admit it they look REALLY cool. I mean seriously. These weapons are optional – they are often mentioned in the plot and used to be a central point in the game, but you don’t have to get them if you don’t want to. It’s just another fun, optional challenge in the game.:)2.2 – The Doom Weapons – How?Now that you are satisfied and ready to take on the challenge, read on!You will need a starting sum of 28,000 gold to get your basic Doom weapon, and then another 28,000 gold if you also want a Destiny weapon!

Now that’s not a small amount by any account – which is why I recommend you take a look at Hopeful Guy’s.You can either farm up the gold and get the weapons right away, or you could just play through the game and let the gold accumulate on its own. Either way, these weapons aren’t going anywhere!;)2.3 – The Doom Weapons – Where?Now that you have the gold, head left until you’re outside of Falconreach’s walls, then head up. Talk to the Mysterious Orb and prepare to part with your gold!Select the option “.Gulp. Shop”, buy the Doom weapon that matches with your class and congratulations! You now own a Doom weapon! Now go farm all over again so you can get a Destiny weapon.:P Onward to the next section, upgrading your Doom weapons!3.0 – Upgrading Your Doom WeaponHold tight, because this is a long one – time to upgrade your Doom weapon! The first upgrade is available to all, but the ones after that require a Dragon Amulet.

Remember, you will have to upgrade your Doom weapon step by step, no skipping allowed! 3.1 – The Dark Doom WeaponsThe first upgrade will require 5000 gold. You will need to purchase the from.Travel to Amityvale and talk to Thursday, the girl standing in the main area. Select ‘Quests’ ‘ ‘ and start the quest. At the first screen, kill the monster and go down. Second screen, kill the monster and this time go right. You will encounter more monsters, just keep going right until eventually you have a path up, and into the house.

Inside the house, you will meet Chaney. Purchase the Research Materials from his shop for 5,000 gold, and then select ‘Upgrade Doom Weapons’ in order to merge the materials and your basic weapon to get the first upgrade.The Dark Doom weapons are level 8, deal 38-70 damage, and they now grant some Crit and the main stat of your class.– 38-70, Crit +2, STR +2– 38-70, Crit +2, INT +2– 38-70, Crit +1, DEX +23.2 – The Unlucky Doom Weapons DABack in my day, the dark and wretched forces of nature had the decency to sell their wicked tools of damnation and agony face to face! Anyway, the second upgrade will require you to get five, which drop from the following quests: and.The essences also drop from various wars that occur periodically in the game, so keep your eyes open for those.When you’re done, bring the essences and your Doom weapon to the Mysterious Orb, and select the option ‘Upgrade Doom?’. After some talking, a merge shop will open. Merge the essences with your Doom weapon to increase its power.The Unlucky Doom weapons are level 8, deal 40-72 damage, and they now grant some Bonus while also lowering your LUK! – 40-72, Crit +3, LUK -3, STR +3, Bonus +1– 40-72, Crit +3, LUK -3, INT +3, Bonus +1– 40-72, Crit +3, LUK -3, DEX +3, Bonus +13.3 – The Mighty Doom Weapons DAThe third upgrade requires a rank of 15 in Blacksmithing, your Unlucky Doom weapon, and eight Unlucky Doom Essences.

Is located in. In order to get there, you will have to go into Lim’s shop in Falconreach, and select ‘Crafting: Building Weapons’ ‘Battleon’, which will take you to Yulgar.Talk to Yulgar and select ‘Crafting: Building Weapons’ – this will take you to the Blacksmithing interface. Work your way to the required rank, and then select ‘Make Weapons’ to open the. Scroll down a bit and you will find the Mighty Doom weapons.

Merge all of the items, and you will get the following:The Mighty Doom weapons are level 15, deal 42-74 damage, and grant some more stats.– 42-74, Crit +3, LUK -5, STR +4, Bonus +2– 42-74, Crit +3, LUK -5, INT +4, Bonus +2– 42-74, Crit +3, LUK -5, DEX +4, Bonus +23.4 – The Dread Doom Weapons DAThe fourth upgrade. These next few upgrades will be found in Yulgar’s Forge, so nothing new here.This time, a Blacksmithing rank of 18 is required and five Unlucky Doom Essences.The Dread Doom weapons are level 18, deal 45-79 damage, and grant some more stats.– 45-79, Crit +4, LUK -5, STR +4, Bonus +3– 45-79, Crit +4, LUK -5, INT +4, Bonus +3– 45-79, Crit +4, LUK -5, DEX +4, Bonus +3. 3.5 – The Heartless Doom Weapons DAThe fifth upgrade comes not only with improved damage and stat values, but also with a wicked new look!The required blacksmithing rank is still 18, like last time. This time you will need 13 Unlucky Doom Essences for the upgrade.Also, I just want to note that the weapons were available from a shop called, which opened up after the of March, 2009 was won.

They required the same amount of essences. Just a fun fact!The Heartless Doom weapons are level 24, deal 52-85 damage, and grant some more stats.– 52-85, Crit +4, LUK -5, STR +4, Bonus +3– 52-85, Crit +4, LUK -5, INT +4, Bonus +3– 52-85, Crit +4, LUK -5, DEX +4, Bonus +33.6 – The Obsidian and Forsaken Doom Weapons DAThe sixth and seventh upgrades are very small upgrades that came out together, so I decided to merge them into one section.

DragonFable Stats Guide by Drakyloid

Table of Contents:
Introduction [SG00]
Basic Information on Stats [SG01]
Warriors: What You Want [SG02]
Rogues: What You Want [SG03]
Mages: What You Want [SG04]
Progress Log [CGPG]
Credits [CGCD]



Hello there! This is a guide on stats, what they do and what stats you would want for each base class. Please note that I will not delve deeply into non-base classes (including Dragon- variants). I’ll leave that for someone else that can actually access every one. Me? I don’t have a DA nor do I have a Guardian account over in AQ. But that’s beside the point.


Basic Information on Stats

In DF, there are seven stats that you can train: STR, INT, DEX, END, CHA, LUK and WIS. Before the 9.0.3 engine update, WIS was not there. However, after that engine update, it was added.

STR, or Strength, increases the Melee damage you deal. To deal melee damage, you need either a sword, an axe, a mace or a scythe, though to deal melee damage with a scythe you need to have your STR as your highest stat out of STR, INT and DEX.
INT, or Intellect, increases the Magic damage you deal. To deal magic damage as a base Mage, you need either a staff, a wand or a scythe, though to deal magic damage with a scythe you need INT to be the highest stat out of STR, INT and DEX.
DEX, or Dexterity, increases the Pierce damage you deal. To deal pierce damage as a base Mage, you need either a dagger or a scythe, though to deal pierce damage with a scythe you need DEX to be the highest stat out of STR, INT and DEX.
END, or Endurance, increases your HP. Your HP is increased by 5 for each point of END you have.
CHA, or Charisma, increases the damage dealt by your pet and guest. The exact formula is unknown. It also increases Charisma Stat Rolls.
LUK, or Luck, increases your chance for a critical hit by a bit. It also increases various other small things, such as dodging and stat rolls.
WIS, or Wisdom, was introduced to the game when the 9.0.3 engine was released. It increases your MP by 10 for each point of WIS you have.

Some more information on LUK, courtesy of liamliam1234liam:


LUK adds a point of crit and a point of dodge every 20 points. It may do other things, but that is all we know.
Basically, this makes LUK more useful than INT (or STR, or DEX) once you have 150 of [INT/STR/DEX].

Now, you might be thinking how to train these stats. Well, there are two places: through Rolith in Oaklore and through Sir Render in the Falconreach Defender Shop. However, there is a small fee for training stats. The fee is gold equal to your level. So, if you’re training stats at level 10, you’ll be charged 10 gold per stat point. You gain stat points as you level up; 5 per level, in fact!

If you ever make a mistake in training your stats, don’t worry! You can untrain your stats through the “Untrain” option from Sir Render. However, it would cost 1000 gold to untrain as well as a hefty price to retrain your stats. The total cost would actually be 1000+Level*([Level-1]*5). So, if you’re at level 10, you’d need 1450 gold to fully untrain and retrain your stats. A hefty price indeed for someone at that low of a level!

Now, you might be asking about formulas. There is a guide on the DragonFable Formulae (it may be a bit outdated, though) here. If you’re wondering about the damage increase for STR, INT and DEX, here it is:


Power Increase Cap
With the new engine, you don’t have to worry. There is no more a stat cap where they will stop helping you. Every several points in Strength, Dexterity or Intellect will increase your power, for the according damage type. Brand new formulas, and an appendix for those who don’t like numbers, have been made, with more accuracy than our previous formulas (take safety precautions just in case, as always):

Match your Stat Points in the left column to the Power Bonus to your right; if you decide to test, try at least 50 turns or more for the test if you’re not seeing results right away, because it took us quite a while to see these points ourselves

The formulas we came up with, in case you’re wondering, are as follows:

Stat Points 50 and Under — ROUND(Stat/5)
Stat Points 150 and Under – ROUND(10+0.1*(Stat-50))
Stat Points 151 and Over — ROUND(20+.075*(Stat-150))

In word form, it means that when there’s less than or equal to 50 Points to an offencive Stat, you get about 1 Point of bonus per 5 Stat Points (note we are testing out the first several numbers, as they are being *ahem* stubborn). When there’s less than or equal to 150 Points to that Stat, you get 1 Point of bonus per 10 Stat Points. When there’s more than 150 Points to that Stat, you get 1 Point per 15 Stat Points

Credits to the DF Team for the above calculations.


Warriors: What you Want

Dragonfable weapons

Warriors excel in melee damage, since their base weapons (swords, axes and maces) all deal melee damage. So, you would want STR for a damage boost as opposed to DEX or INT. If, and only if you use pets and/or guests, get CHA. If you do not, don’t bother with that stat. LUK is always helpful for those small things, most importantly the extra chance for a critical hit. If you’re a tank type, go for END for that extra HP. Warriors use a minuscule amount of MP, but go for around 20 or so WIS anyway. You never know when you’ll need it.

Pure Power
This build mainly focuses on damage, and not on defensive stats. Develop STR first, then move to LUK. Get that 20 WIS somewhere in the middle. Move that 78 LUK to CHA if you use guests/pets.

This build mainly focuses on tanking while dealing decent damage. Get the STR first, then slowly develop WIS with END and, when you reach 20 WIS, get LUK and END together. Place more points into END thought.


Rogues: What you Want

Rogues all (usually) deal pierce damage, since their base weapons (daggers) all deal pierce damage. So, you would want DEX for a damage boost as opposed to STR or INT. If, and only if you use pets and/or guests, get CHA. If you do not, don’t bother with that stat. LUK is always helpful for those small things, most importantly the extra chance for a critical hit. It’s especially useful for rogues as they deal two hits per turn, doubling their chance of a critical. If you’re a tank type, go for END for that extra HP. Rogues use a small amount of MP, but go for around 30 or so WIS anyway. You never know when you’ll need it.

Cow Evolution is a mutant maker, evolution simulator, idle clicker game! You get to play god and combine cows to evolve them, discovering the most curious, exotic and bizarre forms of cows to ever. Cow evolution gods

Pure Power
This build mainly focuses on damage, and not on defensive stats. Develop DEX first, then move to LUK. Get that 20 WIS somewhere in the middle. Move that 78 LUK to CHA if you use guests/pets.

This build mainly focuses on tanking while dealing decent damage. Get the DEX first, then slowly develop WIS with END and, when you reach 20 WIS, get LUK and END together. Place more points into END thought.


Mages: What you Want

Mages use spells, or magic damage, to attack. Because of this, only spellcasting weapons (staves, wands, scythes and, surprisingly, daggers) are used among mages. So, you would want INT for a damage boost as opposed to STR or DEX. If, and only if you use pets and/or guests, get CHA. If you do not, don’t bother with that stat. LUK is always helpful for those small things, most importantly the extra chance for a critical hit. If you’re a tank type, go for END for that extra HP. Mages actually less MP then people realize, but go for around 30 or so WIS anyway. You never know when you’ll need it.

Pure Power
This build mainly focuses on damage, and not on defensive stats. Develop INT first, then move to LUK. Get that 30 WIS somewhere in the middle. Move that 78 LUK to CHA if you use guests/pets.

This build mainly focuses on tanking while dealing decent damage. Get the INT first, then slowly develop WIS with END and, when you reach 20 WIS, get LUK and END together. Place more points into END thought.