Kritika Online Characters
So while this game is still in beta let us discuss which Character do you all want to be your Main Character? Remember Kiritika has a Account wide buff system that adds buffs to all your characters for playing multiple characters up to level 40 once you obtain your first level 65 character but that shouldn't stop players from have a Main Character to focus on while other characters are there.
But all that is changing as ALLM, the South Korean developer of the MMO is actually planning on self-publishing the game over here.
That’s right, the game may have been shut down due to En Masse’s poor handling of the title but for fans of the game – and let’s be honest here, yes, there might not be that many, but that doesn’t mean we don’t exist – it looks like we’ll have the ability to carry on playing.
Kritika never shut down nor ceased development in South Korea, and with the developer self-publishing their own game that might mean we get faster, more up-to-date versions of the game concurrently with their South Korean releases.
But then again, I still have PTSD from the last time an MMO from South Korea decided to self-publish their game over here. yup, although I’d hate to admit it, it feels a little reminiscent of Bless Online.
Now I’m not going to completely shut down the possibility that this could turn out to be a sincere re-launch of the game. I’ve just been shat on by so many companies recently that I can’t help but be pessimistic.
Car mechanic simulator games free. On October 22nd, ALLM made an announcement on the official Kritika Facebook page.