Night Trap Walkthrough

It will help in the future if you have the Quick Revive, Stamin-Up, Dying Wish and Secret Sauce perks enabled. You should also activate the Sentinel Artifact at the Grand Staircase and unlock Pack-a-Punch as well. Craft Silver BulletsIn order to stand a chance against the enemies you'll find in Dead of the Night, you'll first need to craft Silver Bullets. Doing so requires three parts with several possible spawn points.

We'll outline the locations below.Candle HolderOn a table in the Entrance Hall. Bring Zombies to these patches to fig up the final part. Treyarch/Activision/MrDalekJD @ YouTubeTake all the parts to Greenhouse Lab again to craft the parts two times into Premium Material. After that, go to the nearby buildable bench to get the Annihilator. Telescope QuestWith that prep work out of the way, we can finally start working towards the main Easter egg quest. Start by interacting with the stones you encountered for Pack-a-Punch, and keep looking till you see visions of a Knight, circular object and a pile of sticks.After that, head to the Mausoleum and you'll see a rod on one of the central buildings. All players must shoot that rod with Silver Bullets till the beam fully activates and directs to the Main Hall.

This is what the finished beam puzzle looks like. Treyarch/Activision/MrDalekJD @ YouTubeOnce it's lined up, the beam will explode the statue's head, direct to the Greenhouse Laboratory and spawn three symbols in three areas on the map. There are six possible locations these three symbols can appear. When you find a symbol, write down its shape as you go. The rooms also have one, two or three sets of hash scratch marks. Total the number of hashes you see.Billiards RoomSymbol under the Chess table. Take your symbols and scratch totals to this machine in the Greenhouse Laboratory.

Complete Immortal Love: Kiss of the Night Walkthrough & Strategy Guide. Overview of full. CHAIN and ROPE on TRAP; take TRAP TOOL.

Treyarch/Activision/MrDalekJD @ YouTubeLine the machine up to your symbols ordered from their lowest to highest scratch values. In other words, the room with seven scratches would go before one with 11. If done right, the symbol code will blink and the telescope will spin. If done wrong, the whole step will reset and your symbols will move.Now, with your Shield, go to the small nearby wheel and melee it. The wheel will dent.

The fifth leafy tree location Treyarch/Activision/MrDalekJD @ YouTubeIf these screenshots don't do it, just look for the intense leaf effects. The trees shouldn't be too hard to find since they're all in the same general area.If you're playing co-op and there's a butler character in your party, the butler has to go to his grave in the Cemetery. It looks like this.

If you don't have a butler, find a grave that matches another character. Interact with it, and your screen will fill with smoke. The sticks you collected will now form an effigy. The butler character, or the gravestone character, can interact with it and climb onto it. Shoot it with a charged shot of the Annihilator. At this point you'll see a fire effect and the gravestone player will seemingly fall into a fiery hellscape.

This is what the Butler's grave looks like. Treyarch/Activision/MrDalekJD @ YouTubeThe gravestone player will respawn at their grave, but they'll be invisible to their teammates The dead player must go back into the mansion as fast as possible and look for a ghost. It usually spawns in the Entrance Hall as seen in the screenshot below. If you don't see it, try holding the interact button by the large banquet table. Escort the ghost to the Cemetery. It will explode and leave a stone on the ground.

Night Trap Walkthrough

The ghost player must interact with it to come back to life. Insert your Firegate Energy Cores to spawn a flame. Treyarch/Activision/MrDalekJD @ YouTubeMelee the flames with your shield and run up the stairs past the Study to the fireplace in the Smoking Room. Melee the hearth and the blue flame should transfer. Now run back to the Library and melee the fireplace to the right of the trap we activated to start the sprint. Melee the fireplace to the left of that and end by meleeing the fireplace in the Billiards Room. If done right you'll see a gem in the hearth that you can pick up.

Hit all the fireplaces in time to reveal a gem. Treyarch/Activision/MrDalekJD @ YouTubeThe process is very much the same as we insert a Fire Core in the Master Bedroom as well.

Insert the core and shoot the flame with a charged Annihilator. Collect the blue flame and light fireplaces in the trophy room, by the bed, in the Music Room and in the Dining Room. Do it right and get another gem.For the last set, go back to the Master Bedroom trap and light your shield.

Now light fireplaces in the Main Hall, East Gallery, the fireplace in the lower left of the Main Hall and then the fireplace in the West Gallery. Get your third and final gem.All we need to do now is take those three gems to the three Knights around the map.

When you do, the Knight will crumble and the gem will float.In the Main Hall. A Knight in the Cemetery Treyarch/Activision/MrDalekJD @ YouTubeTake the three floating gems, that should be following you, to the Forest. Look for three versions of this symbol on the ground to the left, right and center. A gem will slot into each one. The symbols will transform into Knight Soul Boxes, which means you need to kill Zombies by each one. Every few kills the Knight will become a gem again and move forward.

Do this for all three Knights till they reach the Pack-a-Punch machine. An electric current will form when they all arrive. Just kill the enemies that appear till the current goes away. Interact with this door to trigger the boss fight.

Treyarch/Activision/MrDalekJD @ YouTube Boss FightThe Boss Fight is spread across three stages. The first thing you'll notice is a green spot on the floor and three statues with a white light. Hold interact on the statues to move them and their light. The goal is to bring the light towards the green area of the map. You'll know it's positioned correctly when the beam turns green.When this happens, you should stand in it to lure the boss into the green area where he'll get stuck.

Once he's stuck, unload on him with everything you've got. You'll need to repeat the process five or six times.Eventually he'll jump up and disappear to make room for Zombies and other enemies. Keep killing them until the Werewolf comes back in his invisible state. This last stage is like the first, except you can't see the green square. Instead, just move all the statues around till their beams turn green. Dirt 2 demo. That will show you where the square is, and you can lure the boss there. Repeat this process a few times and it will go down.If you're still here, congratulations!

You just finished the Dead of the Night Easter egg.Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.What are your thoughts on Dead of the Night and this Easter egg quest? Wasit the toughest one yet? Tell us in the comments section!