Sword Of Mana Action Replay Codes
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Jan 24, 2005 Welcome to our collection of Sword of Mana, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for GBA.Visit our dedicated Sword of Mana message board to discuss this game with other members. Check back for more Sword of Mana cheats to be posted. Dreadnought guitar. Start the party at mirage voyage.
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cheats = 15 |
cheat0_desc = 'Sword Is The Mana Sword ' |
cheat0_code = '7ECC5548' |
cheat0_enable = false |
cheat1_desc = 'Have All Mana Power' |
cheat1_code = '7ECF9001+7ECF9101+7ECF9201+7ECF9301+7ECF9401+7ECF9501+7ECF9601+7ECF9701' |
cheat1_enable = false |
cheat2_desc = 'No Status Effects Player 1 ' |
cheat2_code = '7EE19100' |
cheat2_enable = false |
cheat3_desc = 'Walk Through Walls (Hero Only) ' |
cheat3_code = '7EE00BFF' |
cheat3_enable = false |
cheat4_desc = 'Player1 Attack Action ' |
cheat4_code = '7EE011XX' |
cheat4_enable = false |
cheat5_desc = 'Float ' |
cheat5_code = '7EE00819' |
cheat5_enable = false |
cheat6_desc = 'Continuous Attack ' |
cheat6_code = '7EE01603' |
cheat6_enable = false |
cheat7_desc = 'Instant Charge ' |
cheat7_code = '7EE01A2C' |
cheat7_enable = false |
cheat8_desc = 'Walk Through Walls (Girl Only)' |
cheat8_code = '7EE20BFF' |
cheat8_enable = false |
cheat9_desc = 'Walk Through Walls (Sprite Only)' |
cheat9_code = '7EE40BFF' |
cheat9_enable = false |
cheat10_desc = 'Erase/Hit' |
cheat10_code = 'C0CECD31' |
cheat10_enable = false |
cheat11_desc = 'God Mode (No Enemy/Skill Collisions)' |
cheat11_code = 'C3E0ADE8' |
cheat11_enable = false |
cheat12_desc = 'Instant Ready Attack' |
cheat12_code = '3F87301F' |
cheat12_enable = false |
cheat13_desc = 'Weapon Skill Increase Player 1' |
cheat13_code = 'C0C3597F' |
cheat13_enable = false |
cheat14_desc = 'Selected Character ' |
cheat14_code = '7E00D90X' |
cheat14_enable = false |
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