The Long Journey Home Ending


All the Achievements in the The Long Journey Home and how to get them. That are randomly triggered, when ending a conversation with the Cueddhaest. The Long Voyage Home is a 1940 American drama film directed by John Ford.It stars John Wayne, Thomas Mitchell and Ian Hunter.It also features Barry Fitzgerald, Wilfrid Lawson, John Qualen, Mildred Natwick, and Ward Bond, among others. The film was adapted by Dudley Nichols from the plays The Moon of the Caribbees, In the Zone, Bound East for Cardiff, and The Long Voyage Home by Eugene.

After Thorin woke, the other members of the company escorted the body of Fili down into the depths of the mountain where they laid him to rest with his forefathers. 'Farewell dear brother,' Kili moaned, his head resting on the cold stone of the tomb. The others stood in silent tribute remembering the bright, charming dwarf. Meta laid her hand on Kili's shoulder wishing with all her heart that her cousin was still alive to take the throne of Erebor when the time came.

Then the company waited for Thorin to recover enough to face Dain.

Thorin kept himself busy by issuing orders. Everyone was set to various tasks. Gloin and Nori settled into the Treasury to sort at least a small portion of the golden hoard. They were helped on occasion by other members of the company when they had the time to make the long hike down into the depths of the mountain.

Meta ached to join them, but after the funeral journey Balin insisted she stay close to the Front Gate. 'If Dain makes any kind of move, we will need you as Regent. He won't listen to me again.' Instead, whenever anyone returned from a Treasury visit, they brought her bags of gems and jewelry to examine and assess. While it wasn't quite as much fun as being immersed in the gold, it was better than nothing.

Bilbo went and all but lived in Dain's camp returning to Erebor for occasional meals and to have some time without wearing the ring. 'It is almost like an itch after a little while, Bofur. I just need to take it off,' he explained at the noon meal one day. He reported that some of Dain's dwarves were growing restless. They either wanted to take the mountain or return home. Bilbo had the feeling that most wanted to go home. Dain had instituted a ration system, and everyone was sick of cram. He still believed that Erebor could be his if he only waited long enough. Bombur didn't help matters by simmering an ever present pot of dragon stew in the skull. The aroma wafted out and over to Dain's camp, serving as a reminder to those dwarves of what they were missing out on.

They also got to work repairing and cleaning the Great Hall. 'We will want to impress a certain dwarf when the time comes,' Thorin explained.

The company made great strides in getting along with the elves. Meta insisted that everyone take a turn standing watch, more to get to know the elves than because of any lack of bodies. After serving a few very cold sessions Bifur, Nori, Ori and Gloin had built a small but sturdy stone shelter that served as a warming hut against the onslaught of winter. Meta marveled at the odd sight of well-equipped elf guards mingling with the little band of mismatched dwarves. Perhaps it was a good omen for future relations with their neighbors.

Dain made several nefarious attempts at bribery, but the elves hadn't even bothered to reply and the dwarves had laughed at his representative. 'Unless he offers me half the kingdom, I already have all the gold I ever dreamed of,' Dori had scoffed.

Finally one cold day Meta called for Dorlie. 'Go to Thranduil's camp and ask Gandalf to come tomorrow morning. You will have to sneak out after dark, but I don't think Dain's soldiers pay us much attention anymore.' She would have sent Bilbo, but she had missed him at his last meal break, and he already did more than his fair share.

'Sure, Meta, do you have a message to give?'

'Yes, tell him to bring Thranduil along with the pin. He'll understand,' Meta said.

Dorlie saluted and ran off to see if it was dark enough to leave.

The next morning, Dain's guards reported that the wizard and the elf king had entered the Front Gate. Outraged, he shouted, 'And you let them walk in just like that? What kind of siege is this?'

The sergeant-at-arms looked confused. 'They bore no supplies and they were going in, sir. Besides, my soldiers are not equipped to fend off a wizard, and Thranduil's elves would have sliced us to ribbons if we had tried to stop him.'

'Then they will stay there for a good long time; see to it that no one else enters or leaves!' he finished lamely. Not for the first time, he doubted his plan. Every cold night made the warm halls of the Iron Hills more and more desirable.

An hour later the same sergeant breathlessly reported a change at the Gate. 'The elf guards have retreated. No one is outside!'

'Havmr, this could be it. I told you if we only waited long enough, the company would rebel or the elves would grow tired! Summon my guard, I will see this for myself.' He rubbed his hands together partly because they were freezing but also in anticipation of victory at last.

Dain and a well-armed contingent approached the Front Gate. As he drew near, he saw that the sole sentry was Balin. 'Ah, Balin, am I at last to be allowed inside? You have regained your senses and will be joining me?' Once he was in Erebor, there would be no stopping him!

Balin bowed and motioned for Dain to cross the wicked teeth of the dragon. 'Of course, Dain, it has been too long delayed. The company awaits you.' He assisted the dwarf through the teeth and into the Great Hall of Erebor. Dain had been expecting a gloomy, dirty, tattered space but instead he saw a bright, clean, shining hall bedecked with banners and flags. He strode into the room and was met by a smiling, cheerful Gandalf.

'Dain, it has been too long since our last meeting.'

Suspiciously, Dain said, 'What is all this, Gandalf? I have been freezing outside for weeks and yet today I am welcomed like a guest?'

'An honored guest, Dain,' he pointed toward a room off to one side. 'Everyone is in there. We thought it was more appropriate since so few could attend.'

'Attend? Attend what?' Dain's confusion grew by leaps and bounds.

They reached the door and Dain peered in. Inside, Meta and Kili stood at the heads of two rows extending out from a large chair where Thorin Oakenshield sat smiling with Brin by his side. 'Why, to attend the coronation of Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thor, King Under the Mountain.'

Defeated at last, Dain watched as Gandalf had the honor of placing the long awaited crown on Thorin's head. Though he was still not fully recovered, the company was all sick of dragon and had decided that the only way to be rid of Dain was to have a small coronation immediately.

Dain bowed to Thorin, gracious in defeat. 'Congratulations, Cousin. You must be proud of your accomplishment.'

Thorin nodded his now crowned head and said, 'Our accomplishment, Cousin. It was a bit of a group effort!'

For days, the company laughed over the look on Dain's face when confronted not only with a living Thorin, but the coronation of the King of Erebor.

After the ceremony, Meta met Gandalf outside the gate. 'You must do me a favor, Gandalf.'

'A favor, Meta? What more do you need? I have given you a father, your Only One, and a mountain of treasure, ,' Gandalf said a bit pompously.

'You owe me, wizard! You did not give me any of those things. I earned that treasure, Thorin should never have been lost to me, and Bofur is a happy consequence of this quest. The one thing you did was fan the flames of Thorin's desire to regain Erebor, but did you ever think of what it might cost him or the rest of us?'

Gandalf looked at her angry face. 'All the time and every day, Meta. I try to minimize the damage my actions may cause, and I do not act rashly or without thought.'

'Minimize? You call this minimized?' She waved out at the field of battle and the burial mounds that rose in the distance. 'I would hate to see your maximum! I know you wanted that dragon gone, but when we needed you the most you abandoned us. If Bofur hadn't found the snare plan, we would probably all be dead by now. And then what? Who else would you have found to do your dirty work? You owe me!' she said again.

Her words hit like physical blows. Many times late at night he had asked himself similar questions. 'What is this favor, Meta?'

She looked him squarely in the eye. 'I want you to give Kili his life back.'

Puzzled, Gandalf said, 'He looks alive enough to me.'

'He lives, but he is not alive. A little bit of him dies every day because of his If onlys. 'If only I had been faster, stronger, better, If only I had fought a moment longer. If only, if only, if only, Fili would still be alive.' I want you to take his if onlys and give him some peace! He will grow ever more bitter otherwise,' she explained.

'You want me to take his memories of his brother?' Gandalf exclaimed. 'That would be worse.'

'Of course not; I want you to soften them. Enough so that he can forgive himself for something that he isn't even responsible for. Please, Gandalf?' Meta's anger drained away replaced by a feeling of hopelessness. She watched Kili slip a little further away every day. She owed it to Dis and Fili to try and stop it.

Gandalf looked at her pleading eyes. With a wry smile he said, 'You must remember that look, Meta. It will accomplish great things! I will try my best, but I make no promises.'

'That is good enough for me, Gandalf. It is all any of us can ever do.' Meta made a mental note of the look. If it worked on wizards..

The kingship of Erebor decided, the armies could now depart. Dain graciously accepted that Thorin and company had outlasted (and possibly outsmarted) him with good grace. 'May you reign long and well Cousin! Do not hold it against me that I tried to grab the finest fruit in dwarfdom,' he exclaimed at the feast provided following his defeat.

Equally gracious, Thorin forgave him. Dain never knew that a little spy had related all his boasts and hopes of the last few weeks. Bilbo was just glad that his days of constant ring wearing and lurking were now over. Turning over a new more generous leaf, Thorin sent Dain home laden with gold and treasure from the hoard. 'For in the end, without your help none of this would have been possible.'

He was also very generous with his former enemy, that elf, Thranduil. 'I know you suffered grievous loss on my behalf, and I will be forever grateful,' he solemnly intoned acknowledging the Elven dead on the field of battle.

'I did not do it for you, Thorin Oakenshield, but for the good of all Middle-earth. However,' he quickly added to remove some of the sting those words might carry, 'I accept your thanks and gratitude. Perhaps we both can learn from all this and behave better in the future.'

Thorin said, 'I know that I will try. I have been given a second chance and I intend to use it wisely. My stubbornness almost cost me all I truly treasure.' He nodded across the room to where Brin and Meta entertained the rest of the company.

Thranduil left the coronation celebration laden with treasure. Thorin provided more chests of gold and privately Meta gave him the gems that she had chosen during her sorting effort. 'I think that these will please you, Your Majesty.' She gave him yet another silk-lined box to open. Glimmering inside were three perfectly matched white gems. Thranduil's eyes glowed with pleasure at the sight.

He stared down at the dwarf. 'How well you know me, Meta, daughter of Brin and Thorin. I look forward to better relations with Erebor in the future.'

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Meta smiled. 'As do I, and to make them even better, I have this also.' She pulled out a second box engraved with Elvish runes. 'I believe these were yours long ago?' It had been uncovered in the Treasury and she knew that it most likely belonged to Thranduil.

The king studied the slightly scorched markings on the box. 'Yes, they are. I sent them to Thror to have them cut and set. It is good to have them back. I am pleased that Thorin is keeping his word, or is this your doing?' he asked.

'You may not believe it, Thranduil, but Thorin really has changed. I can't say he will never act the greedy dwarf ever again, but for now he is more than willing to uphold his part of the bargain. If more Elven possessions appear you can be sure they will be sent to you,' Meta promised.


'And I am more than happy to be an ally to Erebor from now on.' He bowed and Meta's heart beat proudly with the knowledge that peace had been established for a time between elf and dwarf in at least this small corner of Middle-earth.

Not every piece of news was happy. Kili met Meta one day to say a private farewell. 'I told Uncle that I cannot stay here. Fili died for me and it is too painful. Whenever I look out the Front Gate, I have to see the place where he was struck down. Besides, he has you and Brin now, but my amad is all alone. She needs me more than Erebor does.'

'Do you think Dis would ever want to live here if you changed your mind?' Meta asked. 'It would nice for all of us to be together.'

'I will ask her, but I doubt it. My mother is strong and independent as you well know, and Thorin has ceded the Ered Luin to her.' He held up an official looking scroll. 'She will rule in her own right; the first dwarf-woman ever to do so!' he said proudly.

'And then you can rule after her, Kili!' Meta exclaimed.

Kili looked sad. 'Yes, I suppose. But Fili was the one meant to be king, not I. At least I will only have to be a lord. Even though it was always a possibility, I never wanted to take Fili's place.'

'But you will visit? I am certainly going to visit you sometime. There are people in Bree and near the Ered Luin that I dearly want to see again.'

'I believe so. It will give Amad something to look forward to after I tell her about Fili,' he said in a low voice. Thorin had decided it would be better for Kili to relay that news in person rather than by raven. 'She will want to see Thorin as king and will most definitely insist on meeting Brin!' His mood lightened and Kili added, 'I must learn to live in the moment, not the past. Fili never worried about the past or the future for that matter. I will strive to do the same.' Gandalf had done as promised and Kili was much improved, but it would still take time for him to recover.

'An excellent philosophy for all of us, Kili,' Meta agreed.

The day finally came to start Gandalf and Bilbo on their way home. The hobbit had been itching to be on the road for weeks, but he had also not wanted to miss out on any of the 'good stuff' as he called the celebrations when the siege was lifted. 'I need to be able to tell everyone in the Shire how it all ended!' he had exclaimed. Unfortunately for the hobbit, they didn't get very far.

Thorin was at last well enough to venture over to Dale. Brin longed to fuss over him, but she knew how much he despised his remaining weakness and fussing would only draw attention to it. Instead she had to be content with keeping a watchful eye on him. How fortunate they both were. She had come so close to losing him yet again.

Bard and Dorlie greeted them at the gates to Dale. The little boy spent his days between the mountain and the town running errands and relaying messages. 'I have to know everything that happens if I am to be ambassador!' he told anyone who would listen.

Brin hated to think what would have happened if Dorlie had not intercepted Bilbo that night. 'You will always be welcome in Erebor, Dorlie, just like Thorin said.' Only Meta knew the true circumstances of the Arkenstone's recovery.

Thorin came bearing gifts. He held out a box and Bard carefully opened it to reveal a magnificent set of emeralds. 'The emeralds of Girion have been found! And here is a little something to go with them.' He pointed as Gloin led a heavily laden pony over to Dorlie. 'In appreciation of your efforts on the field of battle and to get you started on repairs.'

Bard accepted the chests of gold with a wry smile. 'I'll probably have to send most of it back to pay for dwarf stone!' he laughed.

'That is all part of the plan,' Thorin replied with a wink.

The rest of the day was spent in feasting and discussing plans for the future of both the mountain and Erebor. Meta wandered out to a wall late in the evening to find Gandalf enjoying his pipe. She stood quietly for a few moments and then asked as she had before, 'Was it worth it, Gandalf?'

He raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner. 'What my dear?'

'All this,' she once more motioned out over the scarred battlefield. 'Did you accomplish what you wanted? Was it worth this sacrifice?' Kili's broken spirit, Fili's cold stone tomb deep in the mountain, and so many other losses flashed through her mind.

Gandalf's eyes closed and then opened again as he let out a long sigh. He stared into the distance. 'Yes, in the end I think it will be. Smaug is gone and Thorin rules in the North. I can see no bad thing in that.'

'But what if we had failed? What would you have done if Smaug had won and we were all dead now? What then Gandalf? Would you have started over and tried again with someone else?' she asked in an agonized tone. She knew she had asked this before, but this time she hoped for an answer.

Sighing once more, Gandalf took another puff from his pipe. 'I do not know Meta, but things did work out thanks to a determined group of dwarves and one hobbit. I leave the North in good hands. Do not fear ruling someday, Meta. You have good instincts, an honorable heart and Thorin will teach you what you need to know. You will be quite alright.'

Meta nodded and thought once more of Fili and the rest of the dead. 'I will do my best, Gandalf. It is the least I can do for those who did not survive.'

'It is all anyone can do in such circumstances,' the wizard replied.

Early the next morning, Bilbo at last truly set out for home. Gandalf, Kili, and Gloin would accompany him. When Gloin heard that Kili was returning to the Ered Luin, he said he would go also. 'The lad won't have to travel alone after the Shire, and I need to bring my wife and son to Erebor.'

Meta and Bofur rode along with them for the first day reluctant to say a last good-bye, but finally it had to happen. Meta hugged Bilbo and Kili tight. 'There is no reason we can't visit you and Dis! And I want to spend more time in the Shire. It was such a lovely place,' she told Bilbo. 'I will come when I can.'

The pair sat on their ponies watching until the travelers were out of sight. They rode slowly back to Erebor enjoying their time alone together. When at last they entered the Great Hall, they saw the members of the company working on numerous projects to rehabilitate Erebor. Soon more dwarves would arrive to continue the labor of rebuilding. Thorin and Brin were sitting with their heads close together. 'She's probably boring him with wedding plans,' Meta said.

'Funny,' said Bofur as he kissed his long-awaited Only One, 'he doesn't look bored.'

Meta smiled and returned the kiss. 'Oh Bofur, it took us awhile, but we are finally home.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

And there you have it, dear readers. I hope you enjoyed reading my rewrite as much as I enjoyed creating it. Thank you.

Everyone has their uses, some obvious, some less so.Generally it doesn't matter TOO much who you take on the Lander because we figured it would be annoying going 'Grrr, I need X,' and chopping and changing. However, there.are.

some differences. Malcolm is better at physical stuff than Benoit for instance and so has better odds of success, while Benoit will do better at a science based challenge. And in some cases there are unique experiences for a single character, or occasionally everyone, as in one of the Maylaa ruins. (Though writing 10 variants for each encounter would be impractical!).