Year Walk Walkthrough
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Year Walk The HuldraNow the game officially starts. When you wake up (or so I think you went to sleep) you'll find yourself back in the woods in front of your cottage, but it's night time now.From your cottage, make your way towards the campsite that you passed through during the prologue. This time you'll find a black tree near it. Do yourself a favor and grab a pen and some paper, then draw those symbols on the tree.Once you've done that, head forward and to the left until you once again find the broken fence and head forward to get past it.This time you won't be heading to the windmill, so head right instead of continuing towards the windmill and go down when you reach the small stone near a tree.From there continue to the right and you'll find a pillar with a goat's head on top of it and some footprints on the snow beside it.

Head forward here.Go towards the right and you'll find a gate, stop there and you'll see a small cutscene with a woman and a key. We need to find this woman now.After the cutscene head further to the right and go down right where the sign with a goat's head is peeking out from.Then head further to the right and you'll find a small shack with the door open. Press forward to head inside it.Inside the shack you'll find a creepy doll hanging from the ceiling. Use your mouse to click on it and quickly move your mouse to the right. The doll's head should go all the way down as getting wound.The doll will then do it's creepy little dance and point towards the two owls drawn on the wall behind it.
Once again take your paper and pen, then right down the pattern of which owl it's currently pointing to.Leave the shack and head further to the right. You'll find some sort of stain on the snow, like dirt or something. Go down when you see it.Proceed towards the right again and you'll find two small stones just before you enter a thicker part of the forest, head down here.Once you head down, head a little to the left and you'll find a sort of tombstone with 6 red dots and some unreadable writings around it.
It's not important for the moment but do keep in mind the location of this stone.Now proceed further to the left and head down when you're able to. There's only one spot that you can go down from here.From there head to the right and keep going until you find the woman in the vision that you saw during the cutscene.The woman will start moving across the landscape in a certain direction. Follow her movements and move forward when she disappears.
She'll lead you right to where you need to be.Eventually the woman will fade back and some flowers will start growing from the snow. The path will then open for you and you'll be able to proceed forward.The woman will disappear inside the tree, leaving you alone with 2 owls on the branch. Remember that creepy dance the doll did? That's the key for this puzzle, just click the owls in the same sequence as the doll raised its arms to open the tree trunk.In case you forgot the sequence and don't want to walk all the way back, here's the sequence: Left, Right, Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left. Although I'm not sure whether it's a random sequence or a fixed one.That was the easy part of this puzzle. Now you're inside the tree in almost total darkness with sounds buzzing around inside.
As far as I understand the scenario, you play as Daniel Svensson, who year walked on New Year's Eve (Dec. 31st) of 1893 at midnight. His girlfriend, Stina Nilsson recently told him that she doesn't love him anymore. He can't accept living with this, but has not yet decided whether he wants to kill her or kill himself. In order to see his own future, he inflicts himself a year walk to know which decision he will take.There are two alternates endings in this game.First ending:Once he has completed his year walk, he sees his future: Stina Swensson lying dead in the wood. So he will become a murderer.This is what you can see in the following video. Once you have completed your first walktrough, after reading the credits, you are given a clue: there is a secret 'north from the mill and south from the brook'.
The secret being id and password necessary to read Theodor Almsten's journal. Theodor is an investigator of the future studying year walking and especially Daniel's year walk. He knows from a newspaper clip that Daniel has been executed for his crime and realises that Stina can be saved if he can communicate with Daniel in the past and tell him to suicide. The mean to communicate with the past happens to be this mysterious box near the cabin, which in a sense is a time vessel. To open the box, read and proceed as stated in December 20th entry of Theodor's journal.Second ending: Theodor put a knife and explanations in the box for Daniel, asking him to kill himself for saving Stina.
There is no year walk for Daniel (i.e. For you) in this case, the challenge being to open the box.This second ending is shown in the next video.