Zenonia 4 Guide


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Get ready to embark on an epic quest, spanning multiple time periods, in ZENONIA's most recent and refined offering.
Developer: Gamevil USA
Price: Free
Version: 1.0
App Reviewed on: iPhone 3GS
Graphics / Sound Rating:
User Interface Rating:
Gameplay Rating:
Re-use / Replay Value Rating:
Overall Rating:
As someone who wasn't all that impressed by earlier entries in the series, I was a little cautions when I first started up ZENONIA 4. To be fair, I think most of my trepidation was based on getting an iPhone somewhat late in the game and having other more recent games to compare them to. But now we're playing number four in a franchise that Gamevil has been steadily improving with each iteration, so that excuse doesn't hold up anymore. Good thing it doesn't have to.

ZENONIA 4 is a sort of culmination of the series thus far, in more ways than one. Side-stepping specifics for the sake of fans who have enjoyed the story thus far, I'll just say that the game covers multiple time periods. It overlaps with the canon of previous games in some places, and re-introduces notable characters in others. Through it all, the classic action-rpg style we've all come to expect ferries the story along. Albeit with a few new tweaks.

I'll just say it point-blank: the mechanics in ZENONIA 4 make the other three look silly by comparison. It's been a natural evolution that can be seen when taking the time to play through them all in numerical order, with this one sitting right at the top. If earlier games in the series were people, that would make ZENONIA 4 the guy with the giant brain that can create matter with his mind. Save the over-reliance on kill/gather quests, that is. It's a bunch of little things that add up to make a huge difference. Character animations are the smoothest they've ever been, especially when compared to the jerky movements of the second game. The UI is less intrusive and more easy to use, with a semi-ring of special quick slot buttons around the action/attack button. The list goes on.

My biggest complaint about it all is that there are a number of smaller aspects that aren't clearly explained through tutorials or questing. Items can be crafted, enhanced and combined at the blacksmith, but there's very little guidance for any of it. A smaller but possibly more significant complaint to other more 'conspiracy' obsessed users is the way ZEN still hamstrings character progress. It's manageable most of the time, and makes a sad sort of sense in a free game, but the way I'm limited to teeny tiny amounts of inventory space unless I spend 'the special monies' can be irritating.

I'm confident that ZENONIA 4 won't disappoint series fans. It's ironed out almost all of the kinks from the earlier games and makes for a darned good time regardless of a player's previous experience. Newcomers might be a tad lost with some of the story elements, but that won't stop them from enjoying themselves. Plus they can always download every other game in the series for a grand total of 'hardly anything.'

The is one such minion, for its power grows as your coffers fill by feeding off of your greed, and that of your minions.There are some creatures in this realm that live beyond their initial deaths, and it stands to reason that they have no need of food or sleep after they shrug off the shackles of death. Encouragement.All intelligent creatures seek to improve their deadliness in combat and will use some of their pay to purchase weapons and armor for themselves. War for the overworld 2. As long as you create a thriving dungeon that fulfills their needs they will become valuable members of your underground empire.OtherSome creatures that hear your call will require neither food or sleep and will have their own unique needs and desires.

iPad Screenshots

(click to enlarge)

After being released from prison for Forgery and Theft, multi-linguist Raju (Dev Anand) reflects on his life as a Guide; his meeting with the daughter of a prostitute, Rosie (Waheeda Rehman), who was unhappily married to Marco (Kishore Sahu) and wants to take up acting and dancing as a career. Rosie separates and moves in with Raju and his mother (Leela Chitnis). They both re-locate and with Raju's encouragement, she succeeds in an acting and dancing career resulting in both becoming very wealthy. He then succumbs to gambling and alcohol and forges Rosie's signature. He is arrested, tried in court, found guilty and imprisoned. Now discharged from prison, he changes his mind about returning home to his mother and decides to go elsewhere and start afresh - a decision that will alter his life and way of thinking forever. When I travelled from India to US this was the only Hindi movie DVD that I carried with me.

To me this is a 'complete movie', as a movie should be. It entertains me by taking me through a wide gamut of emotions, it stimulates me spiritually and philosophically (indian faith, western existentialism are all there) and it is technically brilliant. Each scene seems to be individually composed and you can see the effort that director vijay anand and his crew put in. Raju speaks to us in one of the scenes 'there is not much difference between me and you'. And as he speaks this you see the statue of Krishna in the background and Raju's index finger stretched as if holding a sudarshan chakra.

Subtle things like these that you have to watch out for. The name 'Guide' itself conveys a different meaning at different times in the movie; a railway guide, a personal guide and then a spiritual guide.

It is very sad that a brilliant director like Vijay Anand could never come out of the shadows of Navketan and despite giving us some of the most important and influential movies of our times was ignored. People in west respect their classics and make an effort that Billy Wilder, Hitchcock, Orson Welles, Chaplin etc.


Are not forgotten. New directors openly admit how much they have been influenced by these people. But in India, what is not on MTV is not worth remembering. In another 10 years no one will remember Vijay Anand.